The Experience center is technically set up to accommodate many different playback formats, such as regular Stereo, 5.1/7.1, Dolby Atmos and Auto 3D.
Playback devices are an Apple Mac mini, running all different DAWs such as Pro Tools Ultimate and Logic Pro X, Tidal and Apple Music and various consumer devices such as an Apple TV4k and a Bluray Player.
The heart of the system is a DAD AX32 modular routing system which takes care of multiformat audio routing and monitoring.
The speaker setup is installed as follows:
Stereo playback can be done on all Genelec The Ones Models (8331A, 8341A, 8351 B and 8361A) either with or without Bass Management.
The immersive speaker setup uses 3 x 8361A as front speakers, 8341A models as side- and rear surround speakers and 8331A as overhead speakers. 2x 7370A subwoofers take care of the LFE channel.
Ill setups are nicely calibrated using Genelec GLM technology.